RUN - ICT Operations

Applications Development

Need a business-critical application developed or tweaked? We have application and database developers here to help.

K2 Application Developers focus on:

  1. Software Development: Our developers design, code, test, and maintain software applications for various platforms for web, mobile and desktop.
  2. User Interface (UI) Design: Our developers create user-friendly interfaces and ensure a positive user experience.
  3. Integration: Our developers integrate applications with databases, APIs, and other systems to enable data exchange and functionality.

K2 Database Administrators (DBAs) undertake the following:

  1. Database Management: Our DBAs oversee the installation, configuration, and maintenance of databases to ensure data integrity and availability.
  2. Security: They implement access controls, encryption, and other security measures to protect sensitive data.
  3. Backup and Recovery: Our DBAs establish and manage data backup and recovery procedures to prevent data loss.
  4. Performance Optimization: We monitor and optimise database performance, including query tuning and resource management.

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Cyber Security

With extensive experience in cyber security, we can help improve your cyber security posture through the development of risk management frameworks, policies, standard and incident response plans.

Content Management Specialists

Need to refresh your internet/intranet or any other corporate content? We have skilled content managers and editors that can turn their hand to any tasks.

Cyber Security

With extensive experience in cyber security, we can help improve your cyber security posture through the development of risk management frameworks, policies, standard and incident response plans.

Change Management

Our Change Managers facilitate the process of implementing change by managing communication, minimising resistance, and ensuring successful adoption of new processes and systems.